All Patrons at all levels have the opportunity to host a private in-home concert to invite your friends and family. These concerts can be a full band experience, a quartet, trio or just a solo performance with Lisa depending on your home and your preference.
Learn more and sign up below!
SILVER: $15/month
Receive a free copy of my new CD OR one T-shirt Invitation to participate in patron-only Zoom calls ranging from how I write a song, collaboration with other artists, to how I built my music career as an Indie Artist with key principles that can help you in your own goals and dreams.
GOLD: $24/month
All of the above, PLUS:
An invitation to join me in the recording studio for a few hours as I record with my producer- this can be either live in person OR via Zoom live, where you can ask questions also of how we create the songs. Receive a free LMM Hoodie at the annual Evening of Destiny Benefit Concert
DIAMOND: $50/month
All of the above, PLUS:
This level patron will be acknowledged in our annual CD Release benefit concert program
Reserved seating at public concerts/events
PLATINUM: $100/month
All of the above, PLUS:
Invitation to come back stage and have a photo taken with Lisa and the band before our annual CD Release benefit concert or any other large public concert events. These patrons will also be announced from stage and have front two rows seating. Private patron-only dinners hosted by Lisa and David