“I love Lisa Mitts’ music. This song Broken had me at the start with the piano. Lisa’s breathy vocal part at the beginning really sound awesome, and as the song goes on it just makes me think of something that I would love to listen to while taking a nice walk on an autumn day.”
Greg Paddock, Artist
“Lisa’s music has inspired me and touched my heart and soul. She’s a talented and gifted artist who loves to serve others and whom others love. She’s truly a blessing and and a gift from God.“
Marla O.
“I love this new single. What a shining light she is to all who know her. It’s amazing to see such talent given to a kind person of high standards, Lisa is someone to friend and admire.” Jacqueline Jax, AVA Live Radio
Lisa! I got to say you really have knocked the ball out of the park with “One More Dance” because it’s a sensational song with a gorgeous story to the song. Personally it got to be my favourite song among your other amazing songs. I have placed you 2nd on the Warm Tingly Singer-songwriter Tunes because I think your song sums up the vibe of the playlist. I really don’t know what else to say except seriously you are one very talented music artist!” James Millier Songwriter/Artist
’Unique and inspiring’are a couple of words that describe Lisa’s music to us. Each album is a story of her journey, struggle, adventure and overcoming. Her music is relatable to a variety of genres and cultures which makes it challenging to fit in a particular group or category. We have been fans of Lisa’s music since the beginning of her career and have seen tremendous growth personally and professionally in her. We have a music playlist of all of her songs and listen to them in a variety of settings all the way from worship, relaxation, inspiration as well as working out.” Charles & Perry Harris
“Lisa Mitts music touches the soul no matter what your back ground is or your preference in music. She writes and sings to many different genras so there is something for everyone. The message is always full of hope and you are loved. I personally have been healed of many hurts through Lisa’s music and the beautiful compassionate person she is. The world needs to hear her story and her songs.” Cindy K